Cancer story
In the fall of 1999, I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma. I was already in stage three of four stages of the progression of lymphoma. In the beginning when the doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, it was a very difficult time. I was dealing with a lot of fears. Fears of the unknown, waiting on biopsies, fear that it was something very serious. The doctors were thinking it might be cancer and they were talking about aggressive cancer, or a fast growing cancer. I had thoughts that I might be dying. I thought a lot about my children and my husband, and me dying. It was a very sad and emotionally hard time for me.
When the doctors finally told me it was lymphoma, it was a bit of a relief, because lymphoma is curable. However the cure rate is pretty low and I knew it was going to be a fight to get through this illness. The doctors immediately wanted to put me on chemotherapy treatment, and that brought more fears. At this point, Terry, my husband and I really didn’t know what to do except go to the Bible. In James 5:14 the Bible says, “Is anyone of you sick, he should call the elders of the church and pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” So that’s what we did, and the Lord is so good. The Sunday morning that I was anointed with oil, the Lord met me where I was at, and he showed himself to me. I was at the front of the church and our Pastor was anointing me with oil and praying over me. I had both of my hands raised and my eyes closed and I saw Jesus, in my spirit, right in front of me, and his hands touched my hands..
I sensed his blood flowing through his hands into my hands. He spoke to me in my spirit and said, “Julie, I’m not finished with you yet. I’m going to heal your body. You need to go through the medical procedures, and when you’re finished you’re going to be okay.” From that moment on, I knew I was going to be healed. So the next six months, I went through chemotherapy. Those six months were the most precious times I have ever had with the Lord. He went through every moment with me. He spoke a lot to me during that time and I wrote everything down in a journal. He showed his love for me so greatly in so many ways. Many times it was through family and friends. I never got sick from the chemo for which I am so grateful. Yes, I lost my hair, but I just had fun wearing hats.
This experience definitely was life changing. Terry and I and the kids really felt support from the church through this whole ordeal and we truly are thankful. Every blood test, CAT scan, and X-ray I have had since have all shown that the cancer is gone.
I did this painting of His hands touching mine. This is what I saw that Sunday morning when I was anointed with oil.. His touch is healing. My desire is that as you look at this painting, you too would be touched by God. Whether you are struggling with physical problems, emotional problems, or if your life is just plain messed up, the Lord can heal you. He loves you so much and He cares about you. Give Him a chance. Spend time with Him and learn to hear His voice. Depend on Him and put your trust in Him, that’s what got me through.