Julia always notices the many contrails that hang in the sky above her property as planes make their way to Philadelphia Airport. In this palette knife oil composition, the sky takes precedence while...
This spectacular view of the sunrise is what I see when I wake up in the mornings. This time of the year the morning skies are so awesome. The sundial is in my garden right outside my windows...
The view for this magnificent painting is from up on a hill overlooking the mountains of Pennsylvania in the Fall. One tree in the foreground is still bright red-orange and Julia has used lots of...
A landscape oil painting of ripples of clouds at sunset by Julia Swartz. Like waves on a glass ocean the clouds ripple over the transitions of blue and teal. The countryside is alive with the palette...
A Sycamore tree painting in oil on canvas by Julia Swartz. Sycamore trees have always caught Julia's eye, especially in the wintertime. Once their colorful leaves from the autumn drop, their white...